
On this page you will see a complete list of Noti's commands that you can use on your discord server.

General Commands

Using the /birthday set Command & Its Arguments

Click to expand for full display of the /birthday set command & its arguments
  • /birthday set | Set your birthdate

    • date (required): Date of your birthday in DD-MM format

Using the /birthday setup Command & Its Arguments

Click to expand for full display of the /birthday setup command & its arguments
  • /birthday setup | Setup the birthday system in your server

    • channel (required): Channel to output birthday messages to

Using the /birthday congratulate Command & Its Arguments

Click to expand for full display of the /birthday congratulate command & its arguments
  • /birthday congratulate | Congratulate you on your birthday, if a date is set

    • congratulate (required): Yes or No

Using the /language Command & Its Arguments

Click to expand for full display of the /language command & its arguments
  • /language | Change the language of the bot

    • language (required): Name of the language

    • where (required): For you, or for the whole server

Using the /leaderboard Command & Its Arguments

Click to expand for full display of the /leaderboard command & its arguments
  • /leaderboard | Send leaderboard panel

    • streamer (required): Name of Kick streamer to display the leaderboard for

    • type (required): Select from either Weekly, Monthly, Overall, or All

Unlike the /panel leaderboard command, the /leaderboard command only outputs the embed, and does NOT automatically update itself!

Using the /panel leaderboard Command & Its Arguments

Click to expand for full display of the /panel leaderboard command & its arguments
  • /panel leaderboard | Send auto-refreshing leaderboard panel

    • social (required): The social media platform the leaderboard will be from

    • username (required): The streamer you wish to show the leaderboard for

    • channel (required): What Discord channel to send the leaderboard to

    • type (optional): Type of leaderboard to display (available options: Weekly, Monthly, Overall, All)

Using the /panel synchronize Command & Its Arguments

Click to expand for full display of the /panel synchronize command & its arguments
  • /panel synchronize | Send synchronization panel for the defined user

    • social (required): The social media platform to synchronize

    • channel (optional): The Discord channel to send the panel to

Using the /setup service Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /setup service command variables & descriptions for each
  • /setup service | Command to setup the notification service

    • platform (required): The platform the streamer streams on

    • streamer (required): The streamer's platform username that you want notifications for

    • channel (optional): The channel the notifications will be sent to

    • ping_role (optional): Define the Discord role to ping when a streamer goes live

Using the /setup reset Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /setup reset command variables & descriptions for each
  • /setup reset | Reset the notification service for a streamer

    • platform (required): The platformm the streammer streams on

    • streamer (required): The streamer's platform username you wish to reset notifications for

Using the /setup stats_channel Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /setup stats_channel command variables & descriptions for each
  • /setup stats_channel | Setup a channel for stats to on or off and to whom

    • platform (required): The platform the streamer streams on

    • username (required): The name of the streammer you're setting stats up for

    • followers (optional): Show the streamer's follower count? True or False

    • is_live (optional): Show the streamer is live or offline? True or False


* For this to work the user's discord and Kick account need to be linked. ** Premium only command.

Using the /setup test Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /setup test command variables & descriptions for each
  • /setup test | Emit a test notification for a streamer as it is presently configured

    • platform (required): The platform the streamer is on

    • username (required): The name of the streamer you're testing notifications for

Using the /setup view Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /setup view command variables & descriptions for each
  • /setup view | Display the configuration embed for streamers presently configured

    • platform (required): The platform the streamers are on

Using the /premium buy Command

Click to expand for full display of the /premium buy command
  • /premium buy | Shows information about how to purchase premium packages

Using the /premium status Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /premium status command
  • /premium status | Shows status of premium packages

    • server (required) | True shows information for Server Premium, False shows information for User Premium

Using the /premium transfer Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /premium transfer command
  • /premium transfer | Transfers premium subscription to a server

    • target (required) | The destination server's Guild ID (18 digits)

    • remove (required) | True: Remove premium from the target server given by target option. False: Do not remove premium from the target server

Using the /stats Command

Click to expand for full display of the /stats command
  • /stats | Displays the bot's machine and discord statistics

Using the /vote Command

Click to expand for full display of the /vote command
  • /vote | Displays an embed with buttons to cast a vote for Noti on top.gg, or to invite Noti bot to your server

Using the /sync Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /sync command
  • /sync | Synchronize roles with the server you're in

    • social (required): Select the platform you're syncing roles with

    • reset (required): True to reset the linked account, False to not reset

Using the /welcome reset Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /welcome reset command
  • /welcome reset | Configure the server welcome module

    • welcome_channel *(required): True to reset the welcome channel option, False to leave it alone

    • leave_channel *(required): True to reset the leave channel option, False to leave it alone

Using the /welcome setup Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /welcome setup command
  • /welcome setup | Configure the server welcome module

    • welcome_channel (required): Select the channel to output the welcome message

    • leave_channel (required): Select the channel to output the leave message

Using the /faq Command & Its Applicable Variables

Click to expand for full display of the /faq command variables & descriptions for each
  • /faq | Ask a question that might be frequently asked or not

    • question (required): The question you want to ask

Using the /help Command

Click to expand for full display of the /help command
  • /help | Displays an embed with a description of what Noti does, available commands, and resource link buttons

Last updated