First: Invite Noti to your server!

Step-by-step guide to get the bot running on your server.

Let's explore how to use Noti on your own server. We'll cover the fundamental settings, best practices and later on tutorials for different use cases. While you can use built-in commands through Discord chat, this guide only covers setup via the online interface - the NotiBot Dashbord.

Inviting The Bot

In order to use the Noti Discord bot and its features, you must first invite Noti to a server. You can invite the bot through the following ways:

NotiBot's Website: Visit and click on the "Invite Bot" link. • NotiBot's Dashboard: In NotiBot's dashbord there will be a list of servers you can add Noti to. • Discord's App Directory: Search for "Noti" or click here and press the "Add to Server" button. • Direct Link: Invite Noti through this direct invite link.

You may be asked to log in to your Discord account in order to add the bot and you also need to have the Manage Server permission on the server you want to add Noti to.

Select a Server

When you have clicked the link to invite Noti, you must now choose which server you want Noti on.

Choose Bot Permissions

Warning! If you uncheck any of the pre-selected permissions, Noti might not work as intended.

Select the permissions you want Noti to have on your server and then click Authorize.

Checking Role Hierarchy (IMPORTANT!)

Important! This step is essential if you use any role related feature with Noti, otherwise you will run into permission issues due to Discord's permission structure.

The next thing to do after inviting Noti is to check if Noti has sufficient permissions, and is hierarchically arranged correctly.

  1. Open your server settings. Navigate to Roles -> look for the bot role "Noti". (This role was automatically created after adding the bot and should be at the bottom of the list)

  2. Move the role above any other role, which should be managed by Noti and a user could have while interacting with the bot. • If you are not sure which roles Noti will manage, it is recommended to drag this role to the top of the list.

You are DONE!

Noti is now on your server and ready to setup. Follow the next page to setup your first streamer!

Last updated