Setup Live Stream Notifications

This index page lists the options Noti offers which are available at your disposal and how to use the methods of your choice to set up a streamer's live notifications as well as the streamer's data channels. You can also learn how to synchronize your roles from to Discord.

When it comes to Discord bots, Noti stands out from the crowd by giving you, the end user, the most flexibility and as many great options as possible!

► First Step: Invite Noti to Your Discord Server

  • In order to start your journey with Noti and gain access to the wide array of commands including the extensive list of features the bot has to offer, you must first invite Noti to your Discord server. Read up on the article titled "How to Invite Noti to Your Server First" to learn how to complete this necessary first step.

Once Noti has been added to your Discord server, you must ensure that Noti's role is ABOVE the roles it will be managing.

► How To Setup Live Stream Notifications with Noti

Setting up your favorite streamer's live notifications has never been easier since Noti gives you TWO simple methods to do so by using either the web dashboard or Discord slash commands.



► Cooldown Configuration

  • To prevent notifications from flooding your server when you have connection issues, there is a Live Cooldown feature. This value (in minutes) defaults to 60 minutes (1 hour) between notifications for a specific streamer.

  • The maximum cooldown is 5 hours (300 minutes)

  • Cooldown limits:

    • Non-premium defaults to 60 minutes, cannot be edited

    • Premium default to 60 minutes, cannot be edited

    • Premium Plus defaults to 60 minutes, but can be lowered to 30 minutes

► Other Features

  • Setup Clips to Discord with Noti - a guide that details how to setup sending clips to your Discord server with a partnered third party Kickbot service.

  • Stats Channel Counter - a guide to setting up data channels in your Discord server that show follower count & live/offline status of a given streamer.

  • Verify and Sync - a guide on how to synchronize your roles from to your Discord server.


If you need help setting up NotiBot, please join our support server.

Last updated