Slash Commands: Essential Setup for Kick Notifications

This tutorial covers the simple and basic Noti setup for streamer Kick notifications using slash commands in your Discord server. Alternatively, you can use the web dashboard to setup streamer notifications, which will be covered in a separate help article.

Simple Setup (required)

The following steps and fields are required when using command /setup service

  1. Invite Noti if you haven't already done so.

Now you must configure the bot to send alerts to a desired channel.

  1. First, you need to use the command /setup service

Required fields to be used in the setup service message:

3.(required) Platform: Select Kick for your platform 4. (required) Streamer: Select the streamer name to announce

Congratulations! You have successfully set up your first live notification using Noti!

Make sure to check out our very next article that covers the advanced fields available for use with this command for more/advanced customization.


If you need assistance setting up streamer live notifications, please join our support server.

Last updated