Slash Commands: Advanced Setup for Kick Notifications

Advanced Setup covers all of the optional fields that are available for use and included in the /setup service command. These are not necessary for you to start receiving live notifications; however, in order to better customize your NotiBot experience, we recommend checking which ones will help you accomplish the goals you have in mind for full customization!

Advanced Configuration of the "/Setup Service" Command & Additional Fields (optional)

  1. Do required steps 2-5 of the Simple Setup listed above.

  2. CHANNEL: Enter the name of the channel you want the notifications to be posted to.

  3. CLIP_CHANNEL: Provide the desired channel to send clip notifications to.

  4. DELETE_MESSAGE: Delete the live message after the streamer goes offline. (premium only)

  5. TOGGLE_NOTIFY_BUTTON: Toggle notify button on the live message notification.

  6. SYNC_STREAMER_USERNAME: Should the streamer's username be synced between Kick and Discord?

  7. PING_ROLE: Provide the desired Discord role to ping when the streamer goes live.

  8. SUBSCRIBER_ROLE: Define the Discord role for subscriber sync between Kick and Discord.

  9. MODERATOR_ROLE: Define the Discord role for moderator sync between Kick and Discord.

  10. VERIFIED_BY_KICK_ROLE: Define the Discord role for verified by Kick sync between Kick and Discord.

  11. FOUNDER_ROLE: Define the Discord role for founder sync between Kick and Discord.

  12. VIP_ROLE: Define the Discord role for VIP sync between Kick and Discord.

  13. OG_ROLE: Define the Discord role for OG sync between Kick and Discord.

  14. LIVE_ROLE: Discord role assigned / removed based on streamer's live status.

  15. LIVE_ROLE_ADD_USER: Discord user to add live role to.

  16. LIVE_ROLE_REMOVE_USER: Discord user to remove live role from.


If you need assistance setting up streamer live notifications, please join our support server.

Last updated