Linked Roles

  • Go to Server Settings -> Roles

  • Create a new Role with whatever name you like

  • Go to the Links tab and click Add Requirement

  • On the dialog that pops up, click on Noti underneath the Apps section

  • Optionally configure a Kick Followers minimum for the linked role

How does a user get their linked Kick role?

  • The process is exactly the same as /sync or Synchronize button in the panel

  • Discord user needs to click on the guild name on the top left of the server, and go to Linked Roles

  • User should click on the role name with the Noti icon beside it

  • User then clicks on the Noti (BOT) option on the next screen

  • This will take the user to which will give the code to put in Noti Kick Chat

  • Once completed, the linked role will be applied to the user and cannot be revoked unless the user unlinks their Kick account from Noti

A user can also link their Kick account via User Profile -> Settings -> Kick by clicking the +Connect button

If you have any questions about Noti, feel free to join our support server.

Last updated